Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.
- 3.6.2023: The book “Next Stop Metaverse” – written with my colleague Sonja Klose – was published.
- 30.4.2023: My 6th edition of Praxisorientiertes Marketing is now available as “Practiceoriented Marketing”.
- 22.5.2022: The English version “Toolbox Digital Business” is now available. Here you will find everything that is necessary for a successful digital transformation.
- 10.1.2022: Long awaited – now published: “Online Marketing” in English.
- 6.12.2021: Online presentation for Universal Postal Union; topic: Online OR offline, online AND offline, what is the winning formula?
- 4.12.2020: Publication of the book “Kundendialog online und offline, Das große 1×1 der Kundenakquisition, der Kundenbindung und der Kundenrückgewinnung”.
- 27.10.2020: Publication of the article “Wissensvorsprung durch Google, Facebook & Co., Dichtung und Wahrheit, Ein provokatives Votum” in Marketing Review St. Gallen, (6/2020), p. 30-37
- 7.10.2020: Seminar concerning AI usage to improve the customer experience, AMC-Forum CX Management
- 16.9.2020: Webinar concerning Customer Experience – organized by Apteco. To the video!
- 12.9.2020: Publication of the article “The Dark Side of Social Media” in Markenartikel, (9/2020), S. 20-22
- 10.9.2020: Publication of the article “Medienkompetenz” in: WiSt, 9/2020, S. 56-60
- 30.3.2020: Publication of the book “Voice-Marketing – Der Siegeszug der digitalen Assistenten” (togehter with Darius Seyed Vousoghi)
- 7.3.2020: Publication of the article “Medienkompetenz im Social-Media-Dialog” in the reader of the German Dialoguemarketing Association “Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2019/2020“.
- 4.3.2020: Publication of the specialist documentation “Kundenbeziehungsmanagement als Erfolgsstrategie im Modehandel”. Here, a large number of examples are used to illustrate how professional CRM can be designed for online and offline business models.
- 25.1.2020: Publication of the book “Die digitale Verführung” (The Digital Temptation), which highlights the risks associated with the uncritical use of smartphones, social media & Co. for each individual, but also for the economy and society as a whole. In addition, concrete recommendations for action are derived.
- 21.12.2019: Publication of the article “The Dark Side of Smartphone, Social Media & Co. – Teil 2” (Der Betriebswirt, 4/2019, p. 10-15).
- 21.12.2019: Publication of the book “B2B-Online-Marketing und Social Media”, 2nd Edtion.
- 20.12.2019: Publication of the article “Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz und Einsatzfelder in Marketing und Vertrieb” (WiSt, 12/2019).
- 17.10.2019: Publication of the article “The Dark Side of Smartphone, Social Media & Co. – Teil 1” (Der Betriebswirt, 3/2019, S. 10-13).
- 12.10.2019: Publication of the book “Artificial Intelligence” in English. The foundations of AI and relevant use and business cases are explained in detail. Also an AI journey for companies is outlined.
- 16.8.2019: Publication of an interview concerning Artificial Intelligence. Get the content here.
- 15.8.2019: Publication of the article “Künstliche Intelligenz – KI-Einsatz in der Produktion, Teil 2” (Der Betriebswirt, 2/2019).
- 27.-28.6.2019: Seminar on Agile Management at the University of Bern. In order to teach the principles of agile management, I also used the ball point game – with a lot of fun for the participants!
- 23.5.2019: During the annual AfM conference of marketing professors in Lüneburg I was able to present a small selection of my current works to my two editors Angela Meffert and Barbara Roscher from Springer Gabler Publishing House.
- 20.5.2019: Publication of the book “Toolbox for marketing and management”. In this book you can find all the necessary tools which are relevant for managers. The tools range from SWOT to different forecasting methods to tools of agile management and methods needed to master change processes.
- 15.5.2019: Publication of the book “Künstliche Intelligenz verstehen” together with Marie Sirrenberg. Here you find the basics of Artificial Intelligence, interesting use cases and an AI-journey to implement artificial intelligence in your company.
- 8.5.2019: Publication of the book “Online-Marketing – Studienwissen kompakt”, 2nd Edition. You can find all the relevant aspects of online marketing in this book!
- 20.4.2019: Publication of the article “Künstliche Intelligenz – Globale wirtschaftliche Effekte und Einsatz in einzelnen Unternehmen, Teil 1” (Der Betriebswirt, 1/2019).
- 1.12.2018: Publication of an article concerning the “Digital Maturity of Companies”. Get the content here.
- 15.10.2018: Publication of the article “Time-to-Market vs. Time-to-Value” (WiSt, 10/2018).
- 10.10.2018: Publication of the article “Herausforderung China – Manager – wendet den Blick (verstärkt) nach Osten!, Teil 1” (Der Betriebswirt, 3/2018).
- 4.10.2018: Interview about my latest book “Toolbox for Marketing and Management”. Get the content here.
- 28.9.2018: Interview concerning the relevance of the 3-horizonts-model. Get the content here.
- 5.9.2018:Publication of the book “Toolbox für Marketing und Management“, Wiesbaden. The most important tools that managers need today are presented here – from classic concepts such as 5 forces analysis to scrum, lean start-up and design thinking.
- 4.9.2018: Interview concerning “Digitization in China”. Get the content here.
- 25.8.2018:Visit to Concept-M’s Everyday Studio in Berlin and lecture on “Digital Darwinism – Digital Transformation – Digital Business Leadership”. With the managing directors Thomas Ebenfeld, Rochus Winkler and Dirk Ziems and the entire team, an interesting exchange of ideas took place on how qualitative market research in its various forms can support the digital transformation.
- 10.8.2018: Interesting discussions about digital transformation with Prof. Dr. Harley Krohmer at the University Bern – first ideas for common research and publication projects were developed.
- 27.7.2018: Publication of the article “Digitale Markenführung”, in: PraxisWissen, German Journal of Marketing, 1/2018, S. 9-24
- 20.6.2018: Publication “Dialog-Marketing im Kontext der B-to-B-Markenführung”, in: Baumgarth, C. (Hrsg.), B-to-B-Markenführung, Grundlagen – Konzepte – Best-Practice, 2nd Edition
- 14.6.2018: Post concercing the Chinese program “Made in China 2025” – and why it is important for us – Get the content here.
- 29.5.2018: Blogpost concercing the six Chinese companies – very manager should know – Get the content here.
- 18.5.2018: Publication of the book “Digitale Business Leadership” (in English), Wiesbaden
- 18.5.2018: Publication of the book “Führung und Organisation im digitalen Zeitalter – kompakt“, Wiesbaden
- 7.5.2018: Presentation “Digital Branding“, Symposium Omnichannel Exzellenz, Brand & Retail Management Institute @ ISM, Cologne
- 16.5.2018: Presentation “Digitaler Darwinismus und die Notwendigkeit einer digitalen Transformation“, FIS Innovationstag, Schweinfurt
- 15.5.2018: Presention “Erfolgsfaktor CRM – Die Rolle der IT im digitalen Zeitalter“, FIS Innovationstag, Schweinfurt
- 3.5.2018: Presentation “Digitaler Darwinismus”, FHWS, Prof. Dr. Karten Kilian, Würzburg
- 4.5.2018: Participation at the annual AfM meeting (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing) in Würzburg
- 23.4.2018: Publication of the article “Holistische Markenführung im digitalen Zeitalter – Voraussetzung zur Erreichung einer Omnichannel-Exzellenz”, in: Böckenholt, I./Mehn, A./Westermann, A. (Hrsg.): Konzepte und Strategien für Omnichannel-Exzellenz, Innovatives Retail-Marketing mit mehrdimensionalen Vertriebs- und Kommunikationskanälen, Wiesbaden, 2018, S. 111-147
- 16.4.2018: Publication of the article “Führungs- und Organisationskonzepte im digitalen Zeitalter”, in: Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband (Hrsg.), Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2017/2018, Tagungsband 12. wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing, Wiesbaden, 2018
- 29.3.2018: Publication of the book “E Mail Marketing kompakt”
- 29.3.2018: Interview about Online Marketing, Digital Branding, Content Marketing – Go to the interview.
- 13.3.2018: Publication of the book “Social Media Marketing kompakt”
- 5.2.2018: Publication of the article “Customer Experience Management – Wie man Kunden begeistern kann”, in: Rusnjak, A./Schallmo, D. R. A (Hrsg.), Customer Experience Management, Wiesbaden
- 5.2.2018: Presentation “Digitalisierung in der Produktion“, Volkswagen Universität, Wolfsburg
- 2.2.2018: Interview “Bär meets Adler”
- 30.1.2018: Member of the jury for the E-Mail-Award 2018
- 3.-14.1.2018: Participation at the study trip of the German Dialogue Marketing Accociation to South Korea and China
- 4.1.2018: Publication of the book “Praxisorientiertes Online-Marketing”, 3rd Edition
- 9.12.2017: Interview concerning “Change management and digital transformation” – Go to the interview.
- 30.11.2017: Jury meeting and presentation of the Marketing Intelligence & Innovation Awards (MIIA), Quadriga Media Berlin GmbH, Berlin
- 22.11.2017: Presentation “Digitaler Darwinismus – Herausforderungen und Lösungskonzepte“, Prof. Dr. W. Fritz, TU Braunschweig
- 18.11.2017: Presentation “Organisatorische Implikationen der digitalen Transformation”, Fachzeitschrift Der Betriebswirt, Gernsbach
- October 2017: Publication of the book “Dematerialization – The Redistribution of the World in Times of Digital Darwinism,” (together with Land, Karl-Heinz)
- 27.9.2017: Presentation “Führungs- und Organisationskonzepte im digitalen Zeitalter als Grundlage eines erfolgreichen (Dialog-)Marketings”, 12. wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing, DMCC-Dialog Marketing Competence Center, Universität Kassel
- July 2017: Publication of the article “Rating- und Review-Management”, in: WiSt, 7/2017, p. 17-24
- July 2017: Participation at Round Table SAP Future of Work, Berlin; topic: What are the consequences for Brand Managers from purpose activation?
- July 2017: Member of the jury to award the “EDDI – Erfolg durch Dialogmarketing”
- May 2017: Participation at the annual AfM meeting (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing) in Vienna
- May 2017: Publication of the 5th edition of the book “Praxisorientiertes Marketing“
- May 2017: Publication of the book “Digitale Markenführung – Digital Branding in Zeiten des digitalen Darwinismus” (together with Land, Karl-Heinz)
- April 2017: Publication of the article “Ansätze zur (Kunden-)Wertermittlung im Online-Zeitalter”, in: Helm, Sabrina/Günter, Bernd/Eggert, Andreas, Kundenwert, 4th Edition, p. 499-520
- April 2017: Publication of the article “Erfolgsfaktoren im Content-Marketing”, in: Hilker, Claudia, Content-Marketing in der Praxis, p. 44-56
- March 2017: Publication of the article “Rating- und Review-Management – Ein (noch) unterschätzes Aufgabenfeld”, in: Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband (Editor), Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2016/2017, Tagungsband 11. wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing, 2017, p. 109-126
- March 2017: Publication of the article “Ausgestaltung der digitalen Transformation” (together with Land, Karl-Heinz), in: Jochmann, W./Böckenholt, I./Diestel, S. (2017, Editors), HR-Exzellenz, Innovative Ansätze in Leadership und Tranformation, p. 127-149
- February 2017: Publication of the article “Treiber und Hintergründe der Digitalen Transformation“, in: Schallmo, D./Rusnjak, A./Anzengruber, J./Werani, T./Jünger, M. (2017, Editors), Digitale Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen, p. 33-58
- January 2017: Publication of the book “Digital Business Leadership – Digitale Transformation, Geschäftsmodell-Innovation – agile Organisation – Change-Management” (together with Neugebauer, Tim; Pattloch, Annette)
- January 2017: Publication of the article “Konzeption und Grundlagen des Change-Managements”, in: WiSt, 1/2017, p. 10-17