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Research focus in marketing and management
Prof. Kreutzer is a very active researcher in marketing and management. By combining the perspective of marketing and management he contributes to overcome the information silos. You can´t find convincing solutions in the digital age without the removal of these information silos. Prof. Kreutzer documents the research results in a significant number of publications. He also presents his findings in keynote speeches and presentations.
Publications and presentations – based on intensive research
Prof. Kreutzer publishes his research results on a regular basis. < Learn more > In addition he gives presentations about his research results at national and international conferences and at universities in Germany and abroad.
Here is a choice of his latest presentations:
- “Digital Branding”, Symposium Omnichannel Exzellenz, Brand & Retail Management Institute @ ISM, Köln
- “Digitaler Darwinismus und die Notwendigkeit einer digitalen Transformation”, FIS Innovationstag, Schweinfurt
- “Erfolgsfaktor CRM – Die Rolle der IT im digitalen Zeitalter”, FIS Innovationstag, Schweinfurt
- “Digitaler Darwinismus”, FHWS, Prof. Dr. Karten Kilian, Würzburg
- “Digitalisierung in der Produktion”, Volkswagen Universität, Wolfsburg
- „Führungs- und Organisationskonzepte im digitalen Zeitalter als Grundlage eines erfolgreichen (Dialog-)Marketings”, Kassel
- „Führungs- und Organisations-Konzepte im digitalen Zeitalter”, HWR, Berlin
- „Strategisches Online-Marketing“, Donau-Universität Krems
- „Dialog-Marketing“, Donau-Universität Krems
- „Marketing vor neuen Herausforderungen“, Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing, HWR, Berlin
- „Herausforderungen für Unternehmen in Zeiten des digitalen Darwinismus“, ISM-Symposium, Fachhochschule Dortmund
- „Digitaler Darwinismus und digitale Transformation”, Digital Science Match, Berlin
- „Dialog-Kommunikation im digitalen Zeitalter”, 10. Wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing, Fulda
- „Digitale Markenführung – Dialogmarketing vor neuen Herausforderungen”, 9. Wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing, Mainz
- „Herausforderung des Dialogmarketings“, 3. Deutscher Direktmarketing Kongress, Wiesbaden
- „Trends, Diskussionen und Perspektiven im Direktmarketing“, 2. Deutscher Direktmarketing Kongress, Wiesbaden
- „Global Marketing Strategy of one of the World´s Leader in Printing Technology – Heidelberger Druckmaschinen“, Otaru-University, Otaru, Japan
- „Value-oriented Customer Management”, FINEC-University, St. Petersburg, Russland
- „Digitaler Darwinismus und digitale Transformation”, HWR, Berlin
- „Digital Darwinism and the Need for a Digital Transformation“, 4th Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behavior, Singapur
If you are interested in a research cooperation: < Get in touch >
Workshops with Customers
Prof. Kreutzer also conducts company-specific workshops with customers in order to gain exciting customer insights. In this way, interesting input for the further development of marketing can be gained again.
Teaching on Bachelor-, Master- and MBA-Level
Prof. Kreutzer teaches on Bachelor-, Master- und MBA-Level. He covers the following topics – mostly in English:
- Marketing principles
- Strategic marketing and marketing control
- Dialogue marketing, direct marketing
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Online marketing
- International marketing
- Digital business, digital Darwinism
- Digital transformation, change management
- Digital branding
For more than 10 years Prof. Kreutzer has been the course director of the English-speaking master-program International Marketing Management. Under his guidance this program has become a real brand among the different master programs.