The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

Oscar Wilde

Impulse lecture at MSG in Cologne 2020

Prof. Kreutzer gave a keynote lecture “Challenges ahead” at MSG in Cologne on 3.9.2020. The contents presented there were intensively discussed with the MSG executives.

Keynote at the 2nd Alternus PE Innovation Lab in Hamburg 2020

Prof. Kreutzer gave a keynote speech on “Strategic Success Factor Human Resources Development” at the 2nd Alternus PE-Innovation-Lab on 27.8.2020.  Topics selected by the HR managers were then discussed in a world café format – moderated by Prof. Kreutzer.

Workshop with Bitkom in Berlin 2020

Under the title “Online Marketing, Branding, AI & More” Prof. Kreutzer discussed various challenges associated with online marketing, branding and AI with Bitkom executives in an intensive dialogue.

Keynote at the 1st Alternus PE-Innovation-Lab in Hamburg 2019

Prof. Kreutzer gave a keynote speech on “Challenges of digitization for human resources and personnel development” at the 1st Alternus PE-Innovation-Lab in Hamburg on August 29, 2019.  Selected topics were then discussed with HR managers in a world café format – moderated by Prof. Kreutzer.

Lecture at the University of Bern 2019

Under the title “Agile Management – Basics, Methods and Successful Practice” Prof. Kreutzer discussed the possibilities and limits of this innovative management approach at the University of Bern in June 2019.

Lecture at the Volkswagen AutoUni in Wolfsburg 2019

The conference of the Volkswagen AutoUni in Wolfsburg on April 2, 2019, focused on the lectures “Digital Transformation in Production – Looking beyond the Box” and “Digital Transformation in Production – from Individual Project to Digitization Strategy and Back Again” by Prof. Kreutzer. Selected topics were then discussed in a World Café format – moderated by Prof. Kreutzer.

Keynote speaker at the Omnichannel Excellence Symposium 2018 of ISM (International School of Management) in Cologne

Prof. Kreutzer gave a keynote on “Holistic Brand Management in the Digital Age – Starting Point for the Achievement of Omnichannel Excellence“, which was wonderfully integrated into the symposium. The presented contents were received by the audience with much interest and discussed intensively. In the corresponding editorial work of Böckenholt/Mehn/Westermann Prof. Kreutzer is represented with a contribution to this topic.

Keynote speaker at the FIS Innovationstag 2018 in Schweinfurt

Prof. Kreutzer held a keynote on “Digital Darwinism and the Need for a Digital Transformation”, which was received with great enthusiasm. In addition, he gave a lecture on “Success Factor CRM – The Role of IT in the Digital Age”. The contents of both presentations were received very positively and discussed intensively.

AfM-Meeting (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing) in Würzburg 2018

In 2018 the annual meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing took place in Würzburg. Not only exciting presentations were given by company representatives, but also interesting companies (including Schaeffler) were visited. Prof. Kreutzer moderated a workshop on “Digital Branding” as part of the event.


Lecture at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, 2018

Prof. Kreutzer presented in the master program „Brand and Media Management “ of Prof. Karsten Kilian a comprehensive insight into the challenges of digitization in marketing and management. The contents were then discussed intensively with the audience.


Lecture at the Volkswagen University, Wolfsburg

In February 2018 Prof. Kreutzer gave a lecture on “Digital Transformation in Production“. The contents covered the topics Smart Factory, 3-D-Printing, Cobots & more. The contents were intensively discussed with the participants in a World Café format.

Executive trip of DDV (German Dialogue Marketing Association) to China and South Korea 2018

Prof. Kreutzer took part in a DDV study trip to China and South Korea in January 2018. In the course of this trip, many exciting companies were visited and discussions were held at a high management level. In China, he visited Sensetime (the world’s most valuable AI company), Hylink and Cheetah Mobile, among others. In South Korea, the University of Seoul and various start-ups were visited. Here we were able to gain many exciting insights for our own research projects, which have been incorporated into publications and lectures.


Lecture of the chair of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fritz, Technische Universität Braunschweig

In November 2017 Professor Kreutzer gave a lecture at the Technischen Universität Braunschweig about Digital Darwinism. The contents were discussed intensively with the audience and then in a small group with the staff at Prof. Fritz’s chair.

Moderator and speaker at the 12th scientific and interdisciplinary congress for dialogue marketing in Kassel 2017

Together with Dr. Markus Gräßler, Managing Director of the gkk DialogGroup, Professor Kreutzer moderated the 12th Congress of the German Dialogue Marketing Association in Kassel. There, Prof. Kreutzer also gave a lecture on “Leadership and organizational concepts in the digital age as the basis for a successful (dialogue) marketing”. This congress is an ideal opportunity to exchange ideas with scientific specialists and users of (dialogue) marketing and to get new ideas.

AfM meeting (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing) in Vienna 2017

In 2017 the meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing was held in Vienna. It was an excellenct place to gain new insides and to network with colleagues.

Executive trip of the DDV (German Dialogue Marketing Association) to China and Japan 2017

Prof. Kreutzer participated in a study trip of the DDV to China and Japan in January 2017. In the course of this trip, exciting companies were visited. These included in China, amongst others, Alibaba, Creative Capital and Chinaccelerator. In Japan, Sony and Toyota as well as university research labs and start-ups were visited. Here, many exciting insights were gained for own research projects and for presentations and publications.

Keynote speaker and workshop moderator at SAP

On the SAP Connect in Frankfurt/M. in 2016, Prof. Kreutzer held a keynote speech on “Digital Darwinism“. In addition, he moderated a workshop on “Digital Transformation and Change Management“. Intensive discussions were held with the participants.

Keynote-Speaker at Co-Reach in Nuremberg 2016

Prof. Kreutzer gave a keynote on rating and review management at the Co-Reach in Nuremberg. In this, the importance of customer ratings for the acquisition of new customers was discussed.

Moderation and book presentation at the DDV Congress (German Dialogue Marketing Association) in Frankfurt 2016

Claudio Felten (CMX, Osnabrück) and Prof. Kreutzer moderated the DDV Congress 2016 in Frankfurt. With a lot of enthusiasm the two led through the event. The many relevant works by Prof. Kreutzer on marketing, online marketing, digital Darwinism, change-management and more were presented at the conference.

Moderation of a discussion about the Connected Customer on the ReThink! 360 in Berlin 2016

On the ReThink! 360 in Berlin, Prof. Kreutzer moderated an exciting discussion on the Connected Customer. Intensive discussions were conducted about how the customer can be integrated into own networks.

Executive Briefing Innovation Trip from Alternus in Silicon Valley 2016

Prof. Kreutzer participated in an Executive Briefing Innovation in Silicon Valley, organized by Alternus, Hamburg, in November 2016. The companies visited were Pivotal, DETECON, CISCO, IBM, ServiceNow and Elastic. At the end of the one-week program, Prof. Kreutzer moderated a workshop on digital transformation in Los Gatos, Silicon Valley.

Appointed to the Jury of the Marketing Intelligence & Innovation Award 2016

Prof. Kreutzer was appointed to the jury for the MIIA (Marketing Intelligence & Innovation Award) and presented prizes to the winners in a ceremony in Berlin. At the Marketing Intelligence & Innovation Award, outstanding pioneers of digital marketing are honoured. In doing so, the projects must be convincing through measurable success.

AfM meeting (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing) at the Berlin School of Economy and Law 2016

In 2016 the meeting of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing at the Berlin School of Economy and Law was held. In cooperation with Prof. Rumler, Prof. Plinke and Prof. Boltz, Prof. Kreutzer was involved in the organization and implementation of the conference. Prof. Kreutzer gave a keynote on “Marketing with new challenges“.

Presentation at the DDV Congress (German Dialogue Marketing Association) in Fulda 2015

Prof. Kreutzer gave a keynote on “Dialogue communication in the digital age” at the DDV-Congress 2015 in Fulda. In the course of this lecture, it became clear what impact digitalization has on dialogue communication – and how companies have to react.

Keynotes at national and international conferences

Prof. Kreutzer keynotes at national and international conferences. He also keynotes at events of national and international companies. Here are just a few of the clients and conference organizers who he worked with:

  • Aktion Mensch
  • Alternus Zukunftswerkstatt
  • AOK
  • BIDT-Kongress
  • Bundesdruckerei
  • CMS
  • Co-Reach
  • Concept M
  • DDV (German Dialog Marketing Association)
  • Deutscher Handelskongress
  • dfv Conference Group
  • DKB
  • Everest Conference
  • FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
  • FIS
  • Gothaer
  • Handelsblatt
  • IICO
  • IMB Berlin/Berlin Professional School
  • ISM
  • Maihiro
  • Nestlé
  • Österreichische Post
  • Pronova BKK
  • SAP
  • Schweizer Post
  • VDZ (Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger)
  • Volkswagen
Subject area of ​​the keynotes

Prof. Kreutzer covers all relevant fields of marketing and management with his keynotes. This is shown by a small excerpt from the keynotes and presentations of recent years:

  • “Digitaler Darwinismus – Digitale Transformation – Digital Business Leadership”, Concept M, Alltagsstudio, Berlin
  • “Digital Branding”, Symposium Omnichannel Exzellenz, Brand & Retail Management Institute @ ISM, Köln
  • “Digitaler Darwinismus und die Notwendigkeit einer digitalen Transformation”, FIS Innovationstag, Schweinfurt
  • “Erfolgsfaktor CRM – Die Rolle der IT im digitalen Zeitalter”, FIS Innovationstag, Schweinfurt
  • “Digitaler Darwinismus”, FHWS, Prof. Dr. Karten Kilian, Würzburg
  • “Digitalisierung in der Produktion”, Volkswagen Universität, Wolfsburg
  • „Führungs- und Organisationskonzepte im digitalen Zeitalter als Grundlage eines erfolgreichen (Dialog-)Marketings”, Kassel
  • „Die digitale Transformation Ihres Unternehmens – Wie Sie den Wandel erfolgreich gestalten“, Alternus, Silicon Valley
  • „Die 4. Industrielle Revolution und Auswirkungen auf den Mittelstand“, Sitzung des Unternehmensbeirats der Gothaer Versicherungsbank, Köln
  • „Führungs- und Organisationskonzepte im digitalen Zeitalter“, Alternus Zukunftswerkstatt, Hamburg
  • „Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung – und wie wir sie meistern können“, Gothaer, Schloss Bensberg, Bergisch Glattbach
  • „Digitaler Darwinismus – und wie wir ihn meistern können“, Optence-Jahreskongress, Mainz
  • „Digitaler Darwinismus – Basisstrategien zur Bewältigung der digitalen Transformation, defacto realations, Spitzingsee
  • „Change-Management – Wie die digitale Transformation zu gestalten ist”, Next Economy Open, Bonn
  • „Das Marketing-Paradox: Steigende Herausforderungen und schwindende Machtposition – Wie kommt der CMO wieder in den Vorstand?”, Marketing Management Kongress, Berlin
  • „Wandel der Technologien und der Arbeitswelt im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung“, Bundesdruckerei, Berlin
  • „Das 1×1 des Change-Managements – Veränderungen begegnen und Wandelkompetenz fördern“, Alternus Zukunftswerkstatt, Hamburg
  • „Digitaler Darwinismus – wenn sich Technologien und die Gesellschaft schneller entwickeln als die Fähigkeit von Unternehmen, sich dieser Veränderung anzupassen“, 23. Innovationstag des Deutschen Mittelstandes, Berlin
  • „CRM und das Internet der Dinge: Wie können Unternehmen ihren Kunden einen Schritt voraus sein?“, ReThink Connected Customer 360 Grad, Berlin
  • „Die Macht der digitalen Meinungsführer – ein noch unterschätztes Aufgabenfeld: Rating- und Review-Management“, Co-Reach, Nürnberg
  • „Digitaler Darwinismus – Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation“, SAP Partner Summit – SAP Connect, Frankfurt/M.
  • „Change-Management – Wie die digitale Transformation gelingt“, SAP Partner Summit – SAP Connect, Frankfurt/M.
  • „CRM – Ihr Schlüssel zum langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg”, Kundenevent von Maihiro, Wien
  • „Direkte Kommunikation – Inhalte, die berühren und bewegen; Erfolgsfaktoren des Direct Marketings”, 15. DirectDay der Schweizer Post, Bern
  • „Kundendialog 2015 – Trends. Entwicklungen. Perspektiven”, Deutscher Dialog Summit, Frankfurt
  • „Dematerialisierung und Demographie: Wie sich Alltag, Arbeitswelt und Wirtschaft verändern”, FAZ-Konferenz „Das digitale Ich”, Berlin
  • „Der Einfluss des Digitalen Darwinismus aus der Sicht des Marketings“, KunstWerk Köln
  • „Digitaler Darwinismus – Herausforderung und Lösungskonzepte für Unternehmen und Marken“, Nestlé Marketing Day, Kronberg
  • „Der Siegeszug des Mailings im Online-Zeitalter – Dichtung oder Wahrheit?“, Direct-Marketing-Forum, Zürich
  • „Digitale Markenführung im Zeitalter des digitalen Darwinismus“, IICO, Berlin
  • „Die digitale Revolution und ihre Implikationen – Wohin die Reise geht”, CMS IP Kongress, Berlin
  • „Dialogmarketing meets Online: Wie sich die Customer Journeys verändern und wie wir darauf reagieren müssen“, Deutscher Direktmarketing Kongress, Wiesbaden
  • „Digitaler Darwinismus und digitale Transformation”, HWR, Berlin
  • „Digital Darwinism and the Need for a Digital Transformation“, 4th Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behavior, Singapur
  • „Digitaler Darwinismus“, St. Stephen´s, Mozarthaus Wien
  • „Value-oriented Customer Management”, FINEC-University, St. Petersburg, Russland
  • „Web-Marketing und Social Media”, IICO on tour, Berlin
  • „Marketing as a Service: Privacy and One-to-One Solutions – Two sides of the same coin“, MicroStrategy, Frankfurt/M.
  • „Global Marketing Strategy of one of the World´s Leader in Printing Technology – Heidelberger Druckmaschinen“, Otaru-University, Otaru, Japan
  • „Web-Marketing – Social Media, SEM, SEO, Online-Marketing, Mobile Marketing”, IICO on tour, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt/M., München
  • „Web-Dialog-Marketing“, Internet-Konferenz IICO, Berlin
  • „Einsatz von CRM als Instrument des Mitgliederbindungsmanagements“, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, Köln
  • „Globale Dialogmarketing-Trends – Chancen und Grenzen der Neukundengewinnung“, VDZ Dialogmarketing-Tag, Hamburg
  • „Wertorientiertes Kundenmanagement: Der Navigator zum Unternehmenserfolg“, BIDT-Kongress, Düsseldorf
  • „CRM und E-CRM: Vision einer integrierten Kundenansprache“, Internet-Konferenz IICO, Berlin
  • „Kundenwertorientiertes Marketing – Von der Datenanalyse über die Zielgruppensegmentierung zur fokussierten Ansprache“, Everest Conference, Köln
  • „CRM – Auf direktem Weg zum Kundenerfolg“, Institute of Management Berlin, Berlin
  • „Kundenclubs & More“, Special des Deutschen Direktmarketing-Verbandes, München
  • „Fokussierung im Handel – Auf direktem Weg zum richtigen Kunden“, Deutscher Handelskongress, Berlin

If you are interested in one of the topics: > Get in touch <